Week 9/2023
I have arrived home this morning and I am still landing after the weekend in Madrid.
What a wonderful, wonderful people.
I arrived on Friday morning just in time to meet a friend from the islands and play the tourist, it's terrible to act tough, if you are in a city you don't know you have to see the most typical things, isn't it?
I went later to Mostoles where Such and his bookstore Delirio, which was decorated for the occasion, were waiting for me. I confess that when I saw the place so gorgeous with so many people there (it was a full house!) so loving and so good, I lost my concentration and I could only babble during our conversation and the subsequent signings. Delirio is a treasure to be enjoyed.
" Drawing takes you to your inner paradise."
After that, Pepe Larraz took me to dinner at a very nice place and then to a bar very much to Ken Niimura's liking where, luckily, I behaved properly.
Because the next day was a marathon day. I arrived at Omega Center early to be able to sign the orders and those left by trusted customers, you have to take care of your bookseller because then they will treat you great.
Then, at the appointed time, Pepe appeared ready to lead our chat along with a delicious coffee that brought me back to life. Maybe too much life, because I told too many things.
The atmosphere at Omega during the whole day (I did morning till evening) was very relaxed, I had time to chat with people and I had a great time, usual suspects and people who didn't even know the comic existed came.
"BlackHand&IronHead tells the story of two mischievous young girls."
Alex Serrano paid a debt we had pending, eating an authentic Valencian paella, and then I played the tourist again, because shame will not take away the opportunity to take a picture of an Egyptian temple in the middle of Madrid.
When we came back, Alex gave me a more formal presentation and again I got into all the wrong topics, but that's what happens when you surround yourself with people who you love and trust. (All the pictures are stolen from the ones that people were posting on the internet!)
I had the chance to meet Belén Culebras and Pedro R.M. Andreo and they signed their books, which are fantastic.
Exhausted I said goodbye to Diego, who had been taking care of me all day and went to dinner with some older gentlemen, I do not deny that we agreed to have a little D&D game one day.
In the Streaming de Dibujantes we drew the fanzine that we will bring to the Fanzimad, the video is kind of amusing.