Week 48/2022
Grandparents are always reminding us how important health is and that we must take care of ourselves. I have taken care of myself, but here I am, a week with a bad throat, I am not lying in bed sick and suffering, but I am not well either, snot, cough and above all tiredness.
And with that feeling I have faced the week, I knew I could not do much so everything that I have been doing I have taken for good, I have been finishing some work for Marvel and I have drawn the rewards of the Crowdfunding of Seidkona, I had planned to get going with the list of commissions but they will have to wait.
To tell you the truth, I'm starting to get a bit bored of drawing manually and I want to get back to the computer, it's brand new and I want to make the most of it!
On Saturday I was consulting with my daughter to see what story I should do for this year's Espiral Christmas Story, it was a very productive creative meeting, I will keep stealing ideas from her as long as I can.

Also on a Christmas key, I saw the Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas Special on Disney+ and I enjoyed it a lot, even more when I was told on twitter that there were two of my illustrations in the opening credits.
These things make me happy.

This week in Streaming de Dibujantes we had the absence of David Lafuente and the visit of Ken Niimura. I always prefer to shoot with Lafu because we complement each other very well and that improves the conversations, but when it comes to sharing two hours of conversation with someone, Ken is a very good choice.
I finish by recommending Andor (also in Disney+) because it's great, once you take away all the Skywalker continuity from Star Wars, it works much better.
And since we are with Lucasfilms, I share the process of an alternative cover I did for the new season of Star Wars: High Republic: they gave me enough freedom and the character also allowed a lot of freedom so the result was very easy and looked great, it has something counterintuitive, but in art it happens a lot that the less the things cost, the better they look.
You know, don't forget to vitaminize and supermineralize!
