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With friends like these…

Week 10/2023

I just got back from the Salón del Cómic de Valencia and it was wonderful, we had a great time, I saw a lot of people and I signed a lot of comics.

On the other hand, my brain is fried and I can't write a proper entry but luckily my beloved David Rubín made a beautiful Twitter thread about BlackHand&IronHead and, directly, I transcribe it here so I can go to sleep.


I got to know @davizlopez's work a long time ago, thanks to a girlfriend I had who I got addicted to comics and then she got me addicted to Espiral and David. And I'm lucky enough to consider him my friend for almost 20 years, which is soon to say, and even so, knowing how he does it, this little bastard always manages to raise the bar even higher and surprise me. All this introduction is to make it clear that the 2nd volume of BLACKHAND & IRONHEAD is even better than the 1st, which was already a really good comic book.

David releases here everything he has learned in more than four lustrums drawing superheroes for Marvel and DC, puts it through the turmix, refines it and serves us the best work to date of his career; a shocking, hilarious comic book that hooks you and doesn't let go, superbly drawn and narrated and even better written, which should be considered abuse, full of charismatic, polyhedral, endearing, fabulously constructed characters, and situations in a continuous crescendo, each one more bizarre, but without losing the north at any time.

All with the magnificent color of @KikinhoJ.

BH&IH #2 is a triumph as a comic book, a personal and commercial work, dynamic and at the same time full of depth and even a political message (a good warning) against the ultra-right and the danger of them reaching heights of power, a fresh work, powerful as a hurricane, which is pure David Lopez, a great comic book that makes clear, as if it were missing, the decomunal talent both in pencils and scripts of a mature, experienced author, and with many good things to tell.

Go to your favorite bookstore and do not hesitate to get, if you have made the mistake of not doing it before, the two volumes of BH & IH, you will enjoy it on many levels, and, in addition, you will help David to continue creating these amazing stories for our market, he, who could be drawing the regular series of Avengers or Batman if he felt like it, one more point in favor of betting on David Lopez and his work.


Here the thread in its glorious original format, if you don't follow Rubin in networks, you should, it's all good.


With the fanzine and the mess caused by the Valencia show, we didn't have time to record video of Streaming de Dibujantes during the week, but we recorded it there. The sound is awful, the congress centers are not the ideal place to get a clean audio, in fact, the audio is horrendous, but well, if you REALLY want to listen to it, you can get the words. I'll upload it this week.

What I do have are lovely pictures with my partner Lafu whom I love dearly.

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