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Writer's pictureDavid López

25th anniversary as a cartoonist

Week 12/2023

Looking for the material for the exhibition of the Salón de Barcelona I found the photocopy I made of my first check as a comic book artist.

The moment you start getting paid for a job, then you are a professional.

In my case it was on March 16, 1998, 25 years ago.

A lot of things have changed since then, but what hasn't changed is the constant feeling that I'm just starting out in this and that I still have a lot to learn.

Without realizing it, coinciding with these same dates I have collaborated with my friends Alex Serrano and David Lafuente in the creation of the fanzine RARO, it happened spontaneously while we were recording the SdD prior to Fanzimad and it was beautiful.

At Fanzimad I met many friends, old and new, and I found again the effervescence of the fanzine movement, many artistic options, each one more interesting, but the one I fell in love with was Cols by the Cábez sisters, a real wonder.


I was informed from that they have no more copies of Dibujos&Mazmorras, so if you are interested you can get it only through The Green Room, which is where all my prints, my books, my originals are for sale and where they manage my commissions, it is an advance because this way I don't end up feeling guilty for not answering people's mails, Icíar answers very fast.

It is related to the role-playing issue, the expo they are preparing for the Salón del Cómic de Barcelona, the material they are passing me is incredible, beautiful, Míkel Navarro is giving it his all, he is very nice and a very good designer, hire him!


The promotion of BlackHand&IronHead: Consecuencias keeps going on, from March 23rd to 25th I will be signing books in Granada, Seville and Malaga.

I received the interview that Bunny/Sailor Moon did with me for CineMasComics, it's always fun to talk to people in costume.


At Streaming de Dibujantes we have posted several videos, one we recorded during the Salón de Valencia that has a terrible audio that is only available for our patrons and other one taht we recorded telling how great it was at Valencia and how great Fanzimad was looking.

And the POST-Fanzimad in which we talked about how much fun we had and how to face the next issues of the RARO fanzine, it is very interesting everything that surrounds the RARO project because we have managed it absolutely live, from its creation, to its realization to the discussions inherent to a project of these characteristics, I said it at the beginning and it is true, I'm enjoying it tremendously.


I can't tell you more because all the work I do lately is quite secret, see you in Andalusia.

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